Moon Knight follows Steven Grant, a mild-mannered gift-shop employee who suffers from blackouts and flashbacks to another life. Steven learns he suffers from dissociative identity disorder and shares a body with mercenary Marc Spector. As Steven/enemies Marc’s close in on them, they must navigate their complicated identities while being thrust into a deadly mystery among Egypt’s powerful gods.
- Download  Theme Setup File
- Download  Winstep Nexus Dock
- Download  Rainmeter
- Download  Retto by ApexXx=SenSei
- Download  Kantas Akra by rabra
- Download  SA ShapIcon by SaberAkiyama
How to Install This Moon Knight Theme?
Well, It’s easy. You will need Lively Wallpaper which is available for free in Microsoft Store. Install it and then download “Theme Setup File” which is available above, Extract it and then open lively wallpaper and then drag & drop Theme to Lively. Then Move icons folder to local disk c & then install winstep nexus dock. Go to preferences, click on Restore and navigate to C:\icons and select wsbackup.bkp. Install Rainmeter and unload everything. Now install all the theme and setup every widgets as shown in my video.